Thank God it`s Friday Wave
Due to the Corona Virus there are no life 5 Rhythms Sessions at the moment..
5 RHYTHMS ONLINE Wave mit Anouk !
WHEN: Friday April 16th / 7:30 PM - 9 PM
HOW: ZOOM with registration in advance: Please download Zoom App directly on your computer if you don't have it already. Link:
Registration: Please send me an e-mail until Friday 16th, 5pm, if you want to participate.:
e-Mail Adresse
So I will send you a Link you have to click on. You will be guided through.
Fee: Donation based:
15€ - I am in a very good financil situation - you want to offer.
12€ - I am are in a good financial situation.
10€ - I am financially ok, I am getting worried.
8€ - Ich also have damage. I am worried.
5€ - I can't give more.
bank transfer on my account
Heike Anouk Maucher
IBAN: DE55680501010013740560
RECOMMENDATIONS for a smooth process:
- Please arrive 15-30 minutes early to ensure any technical issues are dealt with
- Set up your space to be comfortable.
- Have water at hand
- I recommand to connect by computer instead of your phone. This means you can see the other dancers. Connect your computer to your soundsystem, so wou will have a better sound, if you can;.)
- Please mute your microphone to reduce background noise.
I am looking forward to a whole new experience with you!

Hugs AnoukThe 5 Rhythms are a wonderful tool to do an adventerous trip with yourself through dance. There is no choreography, in fact we are re- learning to listen and trust to our bodywisdom - Through movement, dance and breathe - "returning home" to ourselves in the Here and Now.