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Thank God it´s Friday – Vague à Fribourg (D)

Due to the Corona Virus there are no life 5 Rhythms Sessions at the moment..
Pleas check my ONLINE ZOOM WAVE!

5 RHYTHMS ONLINE Wave mit Anouk !


" I believe in the power of motion, the wisdom of gravity, the emptiness of true love, the fact that there is no way out but through the body, no way up unless we all go together, no way down unless we follow the beat, no way in unless we embrace the dark." (Gabrielle Roth)

The 5 Rhythms are a wonderful tool to do an adventerous trip with yourself through dance. There is no choreography, in fact we are re- learning to listen and trust to our bodywisdom - Through movement, dance and breathe - "returning home" to ourselves in the Here and Now.

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